Well X-mas is here and there were 12, beefy Christmas boys running through the snowy streets, terrorizing the youths.
They were all Santas from alternate dimensions.
The first was too cool. The second was woken. I think the third was a luchador? I don’t remember now.
Anyway, I can’t believe I succeeded at seeing this through. I drew these santa in OCTOBER!!! Shout out to my boy Joe for helping me come up with a couple.
I scheduled them to be released every day 12 days before Xmas. Then I forgot about them.
12 days ago I got a Facebook notification that the cycle had begun and, heh, I was like “oh ya!” A more incredible story has yet to be told.
These intimidating santas are available on Redbubble.
Hope ya had a great holiday. Thanks! I love you. Bye.