Liquid fever. Drip Drip Drippin’.
A syrupy trip for your mental taste buds. A cotton candy daze putting you in a haze. A sugary melt that your oculars felt. You get the idea.
Liquid Fever (originally named Glorps and Glops, for some reason) is another attempt to delve into some pattern designs. Much like Boxes n Boxes, I wanted to make something that would fill up the whole format of various products. Let’s call it… Product design. Used a bit of a halftone for some sweet shading on this one. You can tell if you get up nice and close. Strain your eyes. Stare into the liquid fever and melt your brain, okay?
I had this idea awhile back. Three years ago back. Never finished it. I found a different variation of this buried on my hard drive that was super texture heavy. I decided to go more in the “pop art” direction rather than the old tired grunge route. Maybe I’ll try a different variation of this later. We shall see.
Looks cool on a phone case, tho. And a bag. Even looks good on a mug. WHAT ARE YOU DRINKING OUT OF THAT MUG, BRO!?
This one is available at Redbubble. Redbubble offers those cool journals, scarves, skirts etc that this thing looks pretty… Sweet on (heh).
Liquid Fever is available on Society 6 too. Here you can snag it on clocks, shower curtains, blankets etc. Looks cool on a clock. No one’s ever heard of a melting clock before, right? RIGHT!? Whatever.
I’ve been trying to draw SOMETHING every day. Whatever that may be. I know, this isn’t the most exciting thing you’ve ever seen, but it’s a departure from my normal style. You know what, I kinda dig that. I’ll get back to drawing some weird mutated faces or nightmarish video game characters soon, don’t you fret. Until then check out Liquid Fever in the respective shops. Also, check out some products you can snag at Society 6 below.