THAT OL’ GEM PLUCKIN’ RASCAL! He’s hopin’ on gooey clouds, searching or that perfect gem to pluck! Gotta watch out for those sneaky pyramid brothers. GOTTA LOOK OUT FOR THAT TIKI ANGEL! GOTTA WATCH YOUR BACK FOR THE SATELLITE HEAD!
But there’s a sweet, sweet rainbow… so I guess It’s all okay.
I know what you are thinking… What is the “X” on his forehead!? Heh, don’t worry about it, okay? All you need to know is that he is ready to straight up FEAST on that gem and turn it into the most glorious poo you’ve ever seen. Glistening in void.
That tricky lil’ bastard. He’s got his eyes on aaaalllll the gems. With his rag tag gang of crazy characters OOOOH LOOORDY LOOK OUT.
Had fun with this one. Tried a new technique in Illustrator, just using basic lines as opposed to tracing the entire thing and using the Pathfinder blah, blah, blah. Just varied those strokes and the rest was history, you know?
Kinda threw it back to the old color palettes I used to use. Yellas… Bloos… Gareeeeenz…
Got inspired from watching some tremendous Twitch streams of guys drawing in Illustrator. Some very trippy, some very strange stuff. Right up my alley. I said “hey, I’m a weird guy too, why don’t I take a crack at somethin’… kinda neat…?”
And then… It was created.
THAT OL GEM PLUCKIN RASCAL is Available on a ton of stuff at the Redbubble shop. And my dudes… It looks really, really good on everything.
You’re saying “what about the Graphic Tees, tho?” I’m saying OF COURSE IT LOOKS GREAT YA DINGUS.
You’re saying “but what about the muuuuuuugs?” I’m saying COULDYA STOP THE WHINING AND JUST GO CHECK IT OUT YOURSELF? It looks stunning.
Original sketch and details below.