A big rawr for you to be spooked about.
Another dinosaur… Another ancient enemy of man.
He’s spewin’ some fierce breath and it stinks like a smell.
I originally sketched this bustlin’ beast with a bit of reptilian feet, but guess what?
It was time for some fresh kicks. Some earth toned kicks that you can really get behind.
So what exactly is this guy’s deal? Heh, sit back and I’ll tell ya.
Brought back from extinction with DNA splicing (or something), this dino bad boy adapted to the modern times, attending high school in a clever disguise… A fresh pair of kicks.
He at first struggled to fit in, surrounding himself with some social outcasts, but quickly rose to popularity while bringing up the self esteem of his colleagues. He even put the QB in his place and dated the most popular girl in school!
It was a true victory for the little guy…
At first, only his closet friend, an overweight math nerd with a bit of social anxiety, knew his shocking secret. Everything was going swimmingly.
That was until he was exposed and had to be pulled out of school and placed back into the lab.
Now, he’s ready to throw down! His fists ready for the cuffs and he’s thinking about giving you a prehistoric beat down.
Thinking about trying some different color schemes for this stank breath beast.
Hey why don’t you do me a favor right quick and check this fellow out on the bubble.
He looks great on clocks and stickers, so it’s worth scoping at least a couple of those things right?! iPhone 8 cases are also available now, so that’s pretty neat as well YAHOO!
Anyway, have a grand old time and enjoy the weekend! I hope you have a wonderful day HOORAY!