Super Exploder is here. And he’s about to turn your dreams… Into Screams.
That’s right. The Super Exploder. Eyes buggin’ out in an alternate reality of sperms or something. Brain poppin’ saying whoaaa! A crazy, trippy bat? Nah. A Super Exploder.
Strap on your boots, you’re in for a wild ride, heh. His brain is going SNAP. CRACKLE. POP.
Heavily inspired by skateboard art, man. You know, art that could be on the bottom of your deck when you do a sweet grind. Or pop an ollie. Yeah! Skatesboard.
I took my sweet time with this one. I did. I sat around watching Kevin Owens beat people up on the WWE network, sipping some vodka, and just dropping some vectors down at a snail’s pace. Vectors all over this face.
Then I took it to Photoshop. Oh boy, did I ever take it to Photoshop. Grabbed the trusty tablet and went to town drawing sperm swirls in the background. Sperm ghosts trying to escape the impending detonation of the Super Exploder. Spoiler alert: It’s all in vein.
I started to add some highlights. Some shading. Then I said “NO.” “NO, YOU STOP IT. YOU STOP IT AND LEAVE THIS FLAT AND VECTORY!” And, heh, you know what? I’m glad I listened to my screaming inner monologue!
Super Exploder reminds me of something you might see on one of those late night, trippy Adult Swim shows. Like Superjail. Or even something from Rocko’s Modern Life. I don’t know.
This one’s an absolute MUST to get printed. Gotta get this done and throw it in the man cave. I dig it.
Check out some detail shots in the slideshow below. Got some weirder stuff coming your way.
Drop on by the Facebook page to name my latest drawing. If I choose your name I’ll give ya something.
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