This magic dagger will cut through the very fabric of time itself.
You heard right, this is one magic dagger.
Not entirely sure what it means to cut through the fabric of time. Would that be a good thing? It would probably just mess a lot of things up.
Drawing this was fun. It all started from a bunch of mini dagger tumbnail drawings. I’ve been taking more pride in my sketchbook work lately, so thumbnails and layouts have been more substantial in the process.
Check the some of the thumbnails out on the Facebook page, will ya? Going to show the page in this Friday’s FRIDAY SKETCHBOOK too.
I really wanted an eyeball with its… Tendon (?) wrapped around the blade.
I pictured the eye from some enchanted being you’d find in a Dungeons and Dragons campaign. The eye gives the magic dagger it’s power.
I was also reading Marvel’s Original Sin, where the Watcher gets murdered and has his eyes plucked out. Ridiculous.
I wanted to go back into Photoshop/tablet drawing. Dragging those pixels around — there’s something more therapeutic about that. I don’t think I’d done that since I APPEAR MISSING.
No special color treatment here. Pretty standard actually. No limitations either.
Added a little subtle, warm grunge to the background to give it that parchment look. Similar to an old medieval scroll. Digging how that looks.
I threw this boy on most of the sites.
I put it on Redbubble mainly because I thought it would look great as a sticker. It translated well to the other products too to my pleasant surprise.
At Society6 I played around a little more with how it was oriented. Made the dagger more angled and played around with repeating the image on things like laptop sleeves and mugs. Personally, I like it tilted and repeated.
At Design By Humans I made it tilted and giant. True Graphic T-shirt style. Good ol’ DBH always looks great.
Hope you enjoy that dastardly magic dagger. Thanks to everyone who threw names out on the Facebook page! And thanks for all the love on Instagram!