Wulf! Wulf head popping up like Pidgey’s in Pokemon Go! Can you guess what this illustration was inspired by? If you guessed Aesop Rock, you’re correct. Lyrics from the song Catfood. I took it from the following excerpt: This started out as a drawing with a felt tip marker. No pencil sketch. Just blasting tunes and kicking it on the …
Read More »Welp… Ya Blew it.
Welp… Ya Blew it… Ya blew it, and look how sad you made Captain Planet. It’s like you missed his birthday. Really liking how this came out, actually. It was a fun experimental process as well. Lemme walk you through it. Started out sketching, per usual. Really wanted to do something Captain Planet related and was teasing it on Facebook. …
Read More »KO Prizefighter (with walkthrough)
KO is the greatest of all time. The GOAT. I’ve been dying to draw some variation of him for a very long time. KO was on of the first inductions into my brand new sketchbook! (I also started drawing Paul Heyman as Krang inside Brock Lesnar as the android.) My initial plan was to draw him pop-up powerbombing the planet …
Read More »I Appear Missing
I APPEAR MISSING… It would appear that I have disappeared!? That’s stupid. Whatever. I was cleaning stuff from my basement and I unearthed my Queens of the Stone Age …Like Clockwork album. I started going nuts. Not only is it a killer album, the artwork associated with the music videos are phenomenal. If you don’t know Boneface, check him the …
TRUNK BUMP, BRO! BOUNCE SHOT! AWW YEAH FUNNEL THE DRINK, BRO! That’s what I’m imagining an elephant frat house sounds like. Getting drunk and goring each other with their tusks over some elephant babe. Then they apologize, trunk bump and go “I’M SORRY BRO. YOU KNOW YOU’RE MY BRO!” This was fun. Like, a lot of fun. I had no …
Read More »Infinite Glom Appeared
Infinite Glom appeared, and he’s ready to grant you 4 wishes. Not three. Four. He doesn’t like the number 3. He floats in a void somewhere between time and space, sometimes popping out to say “hey” and wave his severed arms around. He’s also got a pretty dope arm tattoo and he’s not afraid to show it off. Glom lives …
Read More »Strange Emblem Design
Strange Emblem, is… Strange… Isn’t it? I was into simple icon design when I made this. Really basic line weights. Alternative uses of shading. Basically one color. Yup. Strip it down to the.. Skeleton. GET IT!? Whatever. The strange emblem was made to try my hand in some icon designs/branding. It might be corny, but whatever. I know what you’re …
Read More »Trapped In the Amber Ale Label
Trapped in the Amber Ale — latest brew from my pal, Al! I’m teaming up with him again on the label, too. He said he wanted something preserved in amber, like those mosquitoes from Jurassic Park. Went through a couple development phases of sketching out some trippy looking dinos and whatnot, but then decided on a bug that probably never …
Read More »Reginald Pandafield IV
Reginald Pandafield IV reporting for duty, floating casually through the London night sky! …But it always wasn’t like this. This dapper Panda bear almost took a drastically different turn. I started out with the idea for this brewing in my skull tank. I started shaping the vectors out but it just wasn’t quite there. The colors weren’t gelling and it …
Read More »Eyes on the Prize
Eyes on the prize through cracked hipster glasses, ya dig? Hey there. I’m back from the brink of Alaskan summers. I survived a boating expedition into a glacier lake. I saw some bald eagles dive bomb some sweet frozen tilapia. That’s about it. I also came up with this idea when I was trying to catch some fleeting Z’s on …
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